It’s quite evident that this holiday will be very different from the others. A lot of people won’t be able to spend this holiday with their families due to the pandemic. This was an interesting year with so many things transpiring that dramatically impacted and shifted all of our lives globally.
It almost doesn’t quite feel like a holiday, but grabbing any moments of happiness or bliss this year is so necessary. It wouldn’t make much sense to be moping around when just being alive right now is such a blessing and a reason to celebrate.
I think gratitude is something that we all should practice this holiday. Whether that means hugging your family extra tight or donating to your favorite charity, I think we can all benefit from showing a little gratitude.
We often ignore what we have because we are too busy looking at what others have. The crazy thing is that there is always someone going through far worse situations than we are. It doesn’t demean what we go through, but gratitude can help us to see the glass half-full instead of half-empty.
Sometimes we tend to forget what the real meaning of the holidays is. It’s a time to make extra special memories with our families (if possible) whether it be in person or through FaceTime. It’s also a time to give back to those that are less fortunate. So when you find yourself feeling sad that this holiday did not go as planned, please keep in mind those who are spending the holiday outside in the rain or snow with no home and no family. Recognize that you are fortunate to just have a roof over your head and a warm place to sleep.
So make this holiday a time to donate to those less fortunate than us and to bring them a little happiness during this tough holiday season. Below are some charities that you can donate to that will help in providing food and shelter to families and their children during the holidays or just help in providing moments of happiness or relief.
Toys for Tots helps bring joy to less fortunate children through toys that their families would not be able to afford otherwise. This marine program has been around since 1947 delivering toys to children in various communities.
This program connects parents to their children and helps to rebuild a relationship that has become a challenge due to that parent being in prison. A child still needs their parent regardless of the circumstances and this can be a very tough holiday for these children who cannot easily see their parents.
The Center for Disaster Philanthropy
Covid-19 has had such a huge impact on so many people’s lives whether through job loss or the loss of a family member. As a result, this program was developed to provide support to nonprofit organizations who are personally working to provide pandemic relief to vulnerable populations.
This program was started by Chef Jose Andres who partnered with multiple restaurants to provide food to those that are in need and have been affected by the pandemic. With so many people being quarantined or considered high risk, this service provides a way to safely deliver foods to people during the pandemic.
Sometimes life brings us challenging circumstances. Unfortunately, these circumstance can be quite expensive at times. This charity helps support families with their emergency expenses, so they don’t drown in a sea of expenses that lead them into poverty.
This program helps house families in need through community volunteers. This program has helped house millions of families and has helped them to get back on their feet.
This housing program provides emergency shelter to families experiencing homelessness. They also offer assistance in helping families find jobs and accomplish their short-term and long-term family goals.

Just giving a dollar is giving something, so please donate if you can. You can literally change a person’s life and help them to experience some joy during this holiday.
Even though this year has been tough, I am so thankful and grateful for all of you. It brings me so much joy to have grown my following so much within this year. I am truly touched that you all have taken the time to read my posts and to stick in there with me. That has been the best gift I have received all year. I love each and every one of you and I hope that you have a happy holiday.